Liability Risks Business Owners Should Know About

Liability Risks Business Owners Should Know About

Colorado insurance is a vital investment for every Colorado business owner. When purchasing a business policy, it is important to ensure you obtain adequate liability coverage. There are many hazards to be aware of at the average premises.

•    It's a good idea to make sure any shelves are properly secured, and aisles are kept clear. Mop up any liquid spills on the floor immediately.

•    Even if your business premises doesn't have landscaping, you should take the time to prune any trees that may be on your property. You could be held responsible for any injury or property damage that might be caused by a falling limb during a storm.

•    What sort of condition are your pathways and floors in? Failing to repair buckled flooring, or potholes in outside paths, could lead to someone being injured. Make sure any mats or other floor coverings are laid properly and don't present a tripping hazard.

Liability risks should be minimized and in many cases it’s relatively easy to do so. Often times they involve much more than an injury or property damage. The individuals involved could also file a lawsuit, which could cost you a lot of money to settle, especially if you don’t have the right Colorado insurance.


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Give us a call at 970-963-6161 or click below to schedule a complimentary assessment.